Dash, body cam footage shows chase where Kalamazoo County deputy was fatally shot by fleeing driver


Warning: Video contains graphic content and language.
Kalamazoo County Sheriff’s Deputy Ryan Proxmire was fatally shot during a police chase Aug. 14. A total of 27 minutes elapsed between Proxmire’s car stopping and help arriving on scene, according to a Michigan State Police investigation. The suspect in the chase was fatally shot by police. Body and dashboard camera footage shows police actions throughout the night. Kalamazoo County Sheriff's Dept. video provided by Michigan State Police.
Read more: https://www.mlive.com/news/kalamazoo/2021/11/5-people-called-911-to-report-kalamazoo-county-patrol-car-with-lights-sirens-on-after-deputy-proxmire-was-fatally-shot.html

Adicionado em: 27-04-2022
Categoria: Youtube

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