Bodycam video challenges police account of Ronald Greene's death

Look for more similar videos: Bodycam video challenges police account of Ronald Greene's death

Two years since Ronald Greene's death -- and two days since Louisiana authorities released a series of videos of their encounter with him -- his mother says she's still in shock.
"Just trying to... bring it into reality, that this has happened to my son, grief stricken isn't the word," Mona Hardin told CNN on Saturday. "It's horrific, it's so evil."
Greene died after a police chase and his death has been the subject of a two-year investigation. On Friday, Louisiana State Police (LSP) released a series of nine body camera and dash camera videos offering a graphic account of the May 10, 2019 encounter with the 49-year-old Black man. That release came after portions of at least two videos were reported on by the Associated Press earlier in the week.
Greene's family has said they were told by police Greene died in a car accident. But the graphic videos tell a different story.
The newly released footage from the state comes from cameras that were used by Lt. John Clary, Trooper Chris Hollingsworth, Trooper Kory York and Trooper Dakota DeMoss, who are White.
The videos depict parts of the chase as troopers pursued Greene's car and tense radio transmissions can be heard describing what was happening, but at no point in any of the videos released are images of Greene's car visible.
Attempts to pull Greene from his vehicle are seen and heard.
#RonaldGreene #CNN #RyanYoung

Adicionado em: 27-04-2022
Categoria: Youtube

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